“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
- Claude Bernard -
Journal Publications

124. “Control of crystal size distribution in continuous cooling crystallization using non-isothermal Taylor vortex”, submitted.
123. “Revolutionizing electroless copper deposition on metal and plastic substrates with an innovative and cost-efficient cobalt colloidal catalyst”, submitted.
122. Chetan C. Revadekar, Aditya A. Patil, Jong-Man Kim* and Bum Jun Park*, “Microfluidic applications in colorimetric and fluorometric polydiacetylene-based sensing”, submitted.
121. Boyoung Yoon†, Narges Ahmadi†, Seung Soo Shin, Jong-Man Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Single particle semi-reversible solvatochromic sensor”, submitted.
120. Zun-Hua Li, Gerard Coquerel*, Bum Jun Park*, and Woo-Sik Kim*, “Direct Nucleation of Caffeine and Benzoic Acid Cocrystals by Using Periodic Taylor Vortex Flow”
Crystal Growth & Design, 25, 747 (2025). link
119. Chetan C. Revadekar†, Seung Soo Shin†, Jong-Man Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Synthesis of Janus polydiacetylene sensor particles with thermochromism and solvatochromism properties”
Small Structures, 2400554 (2025). link
118. Bowen Zhang, Gerard Coquerel, Bum Jun Park*, and Woo-Sik Kim*, “Deracemization of sodium chlorate by hydrodynamic attrition in Taylor vortex flow”
Separation and Purification Technology, 354, 128700 (2025). link
117. Lin Jin Feng†, Jin Hyuck Heo†, Hye Ji Han, Bum Jun Park*, and Sang Hyuk Im*, “Production of Ag nanowires with high yield and narrow size distribution by promoting nucleation through hot injection and their application to disposable paper electrodes”
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 144, 616 (2025). link
116. Hyang Mi Lee†, Hye Won Jeong†, Chetan Revadekar†, Seong Jae Lee, Jinhye Bae, Sang Hyuk Im*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Non-deterministic wetting of Janus microspheres at the oil/water interface”
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letter, 15(47), 11815-11822 (2024). link
115. Hee Jin Kim†, Jiye Jang†, Jieun Lee, Chang Hun Han, Jin Woong Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Fabrication of engineered drug-polymer composite particles via piezoelectric inkjet technique for floating drug delivery systems”
Langmuir, 40(48), 25638-25647 (2024). link
114. Jiye Jang, Gerard Coquerel, Tae Seok Seo*, Woo-Sik Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Microfluidic antisolvent crystallization for chiral symmetry breaking”
Lab on a Chip, 24, 5055 (2024). link
113. Narges Ahmadi†, Dong Yoon Kim†, Seung Soo Shin, Sneha Daradmare, Jong-Man Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Gas shearing microfluidic fabrication of polydiacetylene-alginate colorimetric sensor beads”
Small structures, 2400340 (2024). link
112. Alexis Leborgne, Woo-Sik Kim, Bum Jun Park, Morgane Sanselme, and Gerard Coquerel*, “NaClO3 crystal growth and dissolution of by temperature cycling in a sessile droplet”
Minerals, 14, 898 (2024). link
111. Narges Ahmadi, Jieun Lee, Chirag Batukbhai Godiya, Jong-Man Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “A single-particle mechanofluorescent sensor”
Nature Communications, 15, 6904 (2024). link
- 매일경제, YTN 사이언스, ChosunBiz, 한겨레, NEWSIS, 경희FOCUS, etc.
110. Jiye Jang, Woo-Sik Kim*, Tae Seok Seo*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Over a decade of progress: Crystallization in microfluidic systems”
Chemical Engineering Journal,495, 153657 (2024). link
109. Seung Soo Shin, Dong Yun Kim, Kwangmin Bae, Hyemin Kang, So Jung Ha, Aditya Patil, Jong-Man Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Optical laser tweezer-directed single particle solvatochromism of conjugated polydiacetylene”
Small Structures, 2400171 (2024). link
108. Jieun Lee†, Chang Hun Han†, In Hwan Oh, Suryanarayana Allu*, Hee Jin Kim, Jinsoo Kim, Woo-Sik Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Fabrication and evaluation of stable amorphous polymer-drug composite particles via a nozzle-free ultrasonic nebulizer”
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 657, 124177 (2024). link
107. Hyun Soo Choi, In Hwan Oh, Bowen Zhang, Gerard Coquerel, Woo-Sik Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Chiral flipping in Viedma deracemization”
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letter, 15(16), 4367-4374 (2024). link
106. Suryanarayana Allu, Ji-Hun An, Bum Jun Park, and Woo-Sik Kim*, “Improving dissolution rate and solubility of Palbociclib salts/cocrystal for anticancer efficacy"
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1305, 137756 (2024). link
105. Chetan Revadekar, Chirag Batukbhai Godiya*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Novel soy protein isolate/sodium alginate-based functional aerogel for efficient uptake of organic dye from effluents”
Journal of Environmental Management, 352, 120011 (2024). link
104. Bowen Zhang, Gerard Coquerel, Bum Jun Park, and Woo-Sik Kim*, “Chiral symmetry breaking of sodium chlorate in Taylor Vortex flow”
Crystal Growth & Design, 24, 1042 (2024). link
103. Suryanarayana Allu, Ji-Hun An, Bum Jun Park, and Woo-Sik Kim*, “Solubility enhancement of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug of pelubiprofen salts”
Crystal Growth & Design, 23, 7231 (2023). link
102. Chirag Batukbhai Godiya*, Jin Woong Kim, Jongryeol Yang, and Bum Jun Park*, “Cascaded uptake of toxic metal ions and catalytic hydrogenation of dyes on a superabsorbent soy protein isolate/polyacrylamide aerogel”
Separation and Purification Technology, 325, 124622 (2023). link
101. Hyang Mi Lee†, Yong Woo Kim†, Eun Min Go†, Chetan Revadekar, Kyu Hwan Choi, Yumi Cho, Sang Kyu Kwak*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Direct measurements of the colloidal Debye force”
Nature Communications, 14, 3838 (2023). link
100. In Hwan Jung, Kyu Hwan Choi, Tae Seok Seo*, Hyosung An*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Quantification of polystyrene microsphere attachment probability at the oil‒water interface using a microfluidic platform”
Heliyon, 9, e16588 (2023). link
99. In Hwan Jung, Jieun Lee, Seung Soo Shin, Youn-Jung Kang*, Tae Seok Seo*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Fabrication of Partially Etched Polystyrene Nanoparticles”
Polymers, 15(7), 1684 (2023). link
98. Sung-Won Kim†, Hyang Mi Lee†, Taekyung Yu*, Bum Jun Park*, and Suk Ho Bhang*, “Cosmetic delivery system for mulberry root extract emulsions”
Macromolecular Research, 31, 407 (2023). link
97. Hiep Van Nguyen, Hau Van Nguyen, Vu Minh Phan, Bum Jun Park*, and Tae Seok Seo*, “Serially diluting centrifugal microfluidics for high-throughput gold nanoparticle synthesis using an automated and portable workstation”
Chemical Engineering Journal, 252, 13944 (2023). link
96. Su Yeon Bak, Gerard Coquerel, Woo-Sik Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Solution volume effects on spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking of sodium chlorate crystals”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, 785-790 (2023). link
95. Chirag Batukbhai Godiya*, Sanjay Kumar, and Bum Jun Park*, “Superior catalytic reduction of methylene blue and 4-nitrophenol by copper nanoparticles-templated chitosan nanocatalyst”
Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications, 5, 100267 (2023). link
94. Cun Liu, Ilpy Roh, Hyun Park, Bum Jun Park, and Taekyung Yu*, “IrPt alloy nanoparticles with controllable compositions as catalysts for electrochemical oxygen and hydrogen evolution”
ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5, 17152-17158 (2022). link
93. Hye Won Jeong, Ju Won Park, Hyang Mi Lee, Kyu Hwan Choi, Seong Jae Lee*, Jin Woong Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Retardation of capillary force between Janus particles at the oil-water interface”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 13, 10018-10024 (2022). link
92. Sneha Daradmare, Hag Sung Lee, Tae Seok Seo*, and Bum Jun Park*, “A surfactant-free approach: Novel one-step ultrasonic nebulizer spray method to generate amphiphilic Janus particles”
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 627, 375-384 (2022). link
91. Kyungmin Im†, Kyu Hwan Choi†, Bum Jun Park*, Sung Jong Yoo*, Jinsoo Kim*, “Tofu-derived heteroatom-doped carbon for oxygen reduction reaction in an anion exchange membrane‒fuel cell”
Energy Conversion and Management, 265, 115754 (2022). link
90. Chirag Godiya*, Chetan Revadekar, Jinsoo Kim, and Bum Jun Park*, “Amine-bilayer-functionalized cellulose-chitosan composite hydrogel for the efficient uptake of hazardous metal cations and catalysis in polluted water”
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 436, 129112 (2022). link
89. Su Yeon Bak, Seung Ki Kang, Kyu Hwan Choi, Ye Rim Park, Eun Yeol Lee*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Phase-transfer biocatalytic conversion of methane-to-methanol using the spontaneous phase-separable membrane μCSTR”
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 111, 389-397 (2022). link
88. Bokgi Seo, Minchul Sung, Bum Jun Park*, and Jin Woong Kim*, “Recyclable 2D colloid surfactants with high catalytic activities at Pickering emulsion interfaces”
Advanced Functional Materials, 2110439 (2022). link
87. Chirag Batukbhai Godiya* and Bum Jun Park*, “Removal of bisphenol A from wastewater by physical, chemical and biological remediation techniques. A review”
Environmental Chemistry Letters, 1-37, (2022). link
86. Van Dan Nguyen, Huynh Quoc Nguyen, Khang Hoang Bui, Young Soo Ko, Bum Jun Park*, Tae Seok Seo*, “A handheld-type total integrated capillary electrophoresis system for SARS-CoV-2 diagnostics: Power, fluorescence detection, and data analysis by smartphone”
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 195, 113632 (2022). link
85. Jin Hyuck Heo, Nang Mya Su Aung, Seok Yeong Hong, Bum Jun Park*, and Sang Hyuk Im*, “Enhancing the phase stability of formamidinium lead triiodide by addition of calcium chloride”
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 10(8), 085002 (2021). link
84.Hag Sung Lee, Kyu Hwan Choi, Jin Kyoung Park, Hyang Mi Lee, Jieun Lee, Jin Woong Kim,* Sang Hyuk Im,* and Bum Jun Park,* "Fabrication of kinetically stable micropolymofoam particles and the spontaneous induction of morphological transformation"
Chemical Engineering Journal, 424. 130505 (2021). link
83. Yo-Han Kim, Huynh Quoc Nguyen, Bum Jun Park, Hyun Ho Lee, and Tae Seok Seo*, “Characterization of a multiple-layered graphene oxide memory thin film transistor with gold nanoparticle embedded as charging elements”
J. Nanomater., 2021, ID 6689861 (2021). link
82. The Ky Vo, Van Cuong Nguyen, Duong Tuan Quang, Bum Jun Park, and Jinsoo Kim*, “Formation of structural defects within UiO-66(Zr)-(OH)2 framework for enhanced CO2 adsorption using a microwave-assisted continuous-flow tubular reactor”
Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 312, 110746 (2021). link
81. Jaemin Hwan, Minchul Sung, Bokgi Seo, Kyounghee Shin, Jin Yong Lee, Bum Jun Park*, and Jin Woong Kim*, "Energetically Preferred Bilayered Coacervation of Oppositely Charged ZrHP Nanoplatelets"
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 13, 6, 7664–7671 (2021). link
80. Sneha Daradmare, Ming Xia, Van Nhieu Le, Jinsoo Kim*, and Bum Jun Park*, "Metal–organic frameworks/alginate composite beads as effective adsorbents for the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution"
Chemosphere, 270, 129487 (2021). link
79. Kyung Hak Kim, Jin Kyoung Park, Sang Hyuk Im*, and Bum Jun Park*, "Waterproof light-emitting metal halide perovskite-polymer composite microparticles prepared via microfluidic device"
Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 38, 2100006 (2021). link
78. Ye Rim Park†, Dong Ho Kim†, Kyu Hwan Choi, Yong Woo Kim, Eun Yeol Lee*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Biofuel upgrade reactions via phase-transfer catalysis of methanotrophs”
J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 95, 305-311 (2021). link
77. Bumjun Park†, Seyed Majid Ghoreishian†, Bum Jun Park*, Sung-Min Kang*, and Yun Suk Huh*, “Dual-functional micro-adsorbents: application for simultaneous adsorption of cesium and strontium”
Chemosphere, 263, 128266 (2021). link
76. Kyu Hwan Choi, Daeyeon Lee*, and Bum Jun Park*, “Interpretation of interfacial interactions between lenticular particles”
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 580, 592-600 (2020). link
75. Jin Yong Lee†, Kyu Hwan Choi†, Jaemin Hwang, Minchul Sung, Ji Eun Kim, Bum Jun Park*, and Jin Woong Kim*, “Janus amphiphilic nanoplatelets as smart colloid surfactants with complementary faced-to-face interactions”
Chem. Commn., 56, 6031-6034 (2020). link
74. Kyu Hwan Choi, Tae Seok Seo, and Bum Jun Park*, “Interfacial configurations of lens-shaped particles”
Macromol. Res., 28, 953-959 (2020). link
73. The Ky Vo, Van Nhieu Le, Van Cuong Nguyen, Mugeun Song, Daekeun Kim, Kye Sang Yoo, Bum Jun Park, and Jinsoo Kim*, “Microwave-assisted continuous-flow synthesis of mixed-ligand UiO-66(Zr) frameworks and their application to toluene adsorption”
J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 86, 178-185 (2020). (2020.06.25) link
72. K. H. Choi, D. W. Kang, S. Yoo, S. Lee*, and B. J. Park*, "Interpretation of Electrostatic Self-Potentials Measurements using Interface-Trapped Microspheres with Surface Heterogeneity"
ACS Appl. Polym. Mater., 2, 3, 1304-1311 (2020). (2020.02.27) link
71. S. Daradmare, K. H. Choi, J. Kim, and B.J. Park*, "Preparation of eco-friendly alginate-based Pickering stabilizers using a dual ultrasonic nebulizer spray method"
J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 84, 96-105 (2020). (2020.04.25) link
70. H. E. Lee†, K. H. Choi†, M. Xia, D. W. Kang, and B. J. Park*, "Interactions between polystyrene particles with diameters of several tens to hundreds of micrometers at the oil-water interface"
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 560, 838-848 (2020). (2020.02.15) link
69. Y. W. Kim†, D. Lim†, H. Han, S. Lee, K. H. Choi*, and B. J. Park*, "Emulsions stabilized by fine dust particles"
J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 82, 25, 190-196 (2020). (2020.02.25) link
68. D. Jang, S. K. Pramanik*, A. Das, W. Baek, J.-M. Heo, H.-J. Ro, S. Jun, B. J. Park*, and J.-M. Kim*, "Photoinduced reversible bending and guest molecule release of azobenzene-containing polydiacetylene nanotubes"
Sci. Rep., 9, 15982 (2019). link
67. K. H. Choi†, D. W. Kang†, K. H. Kim, J. Kim, Y. Lee*, S. H. Im*, and B. J. Park*, "Direct measurement of electrostatic interactions between poly(methyl methacrylate) microspheres with optical laser tweezers"
Soft Matter, 15, 8051-8058 (2019). link
66. H. J. Han, J. H. Park, J. K. Park, I. Kristanto, B. J. Park*, S. K. Kwak*, and S. H. Im*, "Uniform Ag nanocubes prepared by AgCl particle mediated heterogeneous nucleation and disassembly and their mechanism study by DFT calculation"
Small, 15, 1904031 (2019). link
65. D. W. Kang†, K. H. Choi†, S. J. Lee, and B. J. Park*, “Mapping anisotropic and heterogeneous colloidal Interactions via optical laser tweezers”,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 10, 1691-1697 (2019) link
64. M. S. You, J. H. Heo, J. K. Park, S. H. Moon, B. J. Park*, and S. H. Im*, “Low temperature solution processable TiO2 nano-sol for electron transporting layer of flexible perovskite solar cells”
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 194, 1-6 (2019). link
63. M. Xia†, S.-M. Kang†, G. W. Lee, Y. S. Huh*, and B. J. Park*, “The recyclability of alginate hydrogel particles used as a palladium catalyst support”
J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 73, 306-315 (2019). link
62. J. Han, B. S. You, B. J. Park*, and S. H. Im*, "High yield synthesis of polystyrene microspheres by continuous long tubular reactor and their application to antiglare film for high resolution displays"
Macromol. Res., 26(12), 1095-1098 (2018). link
61. D. W. Kang, B. G. Park, K. H. Choi, J. H. Lim, S. J. Lee*, and B. J. Park*, "Geometric effects of colloidal particles on stochastic interface adsorption"
Langmuir, 34 (30), 8839–8847(2018). link
60. M. Xia, K. H. Kim, B. Park, T. Yu*, and B. J. Park*, "Fabrication of magnetically stirrable anisotropic microparticles via the microfluidic method"
Part. Part. Syst. Charact., 35, 1700486 (2018). link
59. M. Xia†, E. M. Go†, K. H. Choi, J. H. Lim, B. Park, T. Yu, S. H. Im*, S. K. Kwak*, and B. J. Park*, "One-Step Production of Highly Anisotropic Particles via a Microfluidic Method"
J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 64, 328-336 (2018). link
58. J. H. Lim†, K. Im†, E. Jung, T. Yu, J. Kim*, and B. J. Park*, "Efficient catalyst recovery systems based on Pd-coated γ-alumina particles"
J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 62, 471-478 (2018). link
57. M. Xia†, K. H. Kim†, J. Lee, E. M. Go, B. K. Park, T. Yu, S. K. Kwak*, H. B. Na*, and B. J. Park*, "Multiple roles of palladium-coated magnetic anisotropic particles as catalysts, catalyst supports, and micro-stirrers"
Chem. Eng. J., 339, 125-132 (2018). link
56. D.-H. Park, J.-M. Heo, W. Jeong, Y. H. Yoo, B. J. Park*, and J.-M. Kim*, "A smartphone-based VOC sensor using colorimetric polydiacetylenes"
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10(5), 5014-5021 (2018). link
55. H. Kim, J. Cho, J. Park, B. J. Park*, and J. W. Kim*, "Magnetic-patchy Janus colloid surfactants for reversible recovery of Pickering emulsions"
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10(1), 1408-1414 (2018). link
54. J. H. Lim, J. Y. Kim, D. W. Kang, K. H. Choi, S. J. Lee*, S. H. Im*, and B. J. Park*, "Heterogeneous capillary interactions of interface-trapped ellipsoid particles using the trap-release method"
Langmuir, 34(1), 384-394 (2018). link
53. K. H. Kim, S. H. Im*, and B. J. Park*, "Long-term stable hydrophilic surface modification of poly(ether ether ketone) via the multilayered chemical grafting method"
J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 135, 46041 (2018). link
52. J. H. Lim, A. Cho, S. H. Lee, B. K. Park, D. W. Kang, C. M. Koo, T. Yu*, and B. J. Park*, "Highly efficient catalytic systems based on Pd-coated microbeads"
Appl. Surf. Sci., 429, 108-114 (2018). link
51. J. H. Heo, M. H. Jang, M. H. Lee, D. H. Shin, D. H. Kim, S. H. Moon, S. W. Kim, B. J. Park*, and S. H. Im*, "High performance solid-state Pbs quantum dot-sensitized solar cells prepared by introduction of hybrid perovskite inter-layer"
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9(47), 41104-41110 (2017). link
50. D. W. Kang, M. Lee, K. H. Kim, M. Xia, S. H. Im*, and B. J. Park*, "Electrostatic interactions between particles through heterogeneous fluid phases"
Soft Matter, 13, 6647-6658 (2017). link
49. D. W. Kang. J. H. Lim, and B. J. Park*, "Heterogeneous interface adsorption of colloidal particles"
Soft Matter, 13, 6234-6242 (2017). link
Highlighted in Adv. Eng., (2018). link
48. J. H. Lim, D. W. Kang, and B. J. Park*, "Analytical calculations of optical trapping forces for drag calibration: Effects of mismatch between beam focus and particle center"
Macromol. Res., 25(3), 282-289 (2017). link
47. I. Kim, S.-H. Lee, B. Lim, B. J. Park, S. H. Bhang, and T. Yu, "Aqueous-phase synthesis of metal nanoparticles using phosphates as stabilizers"
Korean J. Chem. Eng., 34(1), 231-233 (2017). link
46. M. Xia, Z. Tang, W.-S. Kim, T. Yu*, and B. J. Park*, "Morphological evolution of copper nanoparticles: microemulsion reactor system versus batch reactor system"
J. Cryst. Growth, 469(1), 31-35 (2017). link
45. M. Seo, D.-H. Park, B. J. Park*, and J.-M. Kim*, "Flexible patch-type hydrochromic sensor for human sweat pore mapping"
J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 134(6), 44419 (2017). link
44. M. Yi, W.-S. Kim, B. J. Park, B. Lee, S. H. Bhang, and T. Yu, "A facile surface modification of polyethylenimine-stabilized gold nanoparticles and their enhanced cytotoxicity"
J. Nanosci. Nanotechno., 16, 7043-7048 (2016). link
43. D. W. Kang, W. Ko, B. Lee, and B. J. Park*, "Effect of geometric and chemical anisotropy of Janus ellipsoids on Janus boundary mismatch at the fluid-fluid interface"
Materials, 9(8), 664 (2016). link
42. D.-H. Park, B. J. Park*, J.-M. Kim*, "Creation of functional polydiacetylene images on paper using printing technology"
Macromol. Res. (Review), 24(11), 943-950 (2016). link
41. D.-H. Park, B. J. Park*, and J.-M. Kim*, "Hydrochromic approaches to mapping human sweat pores"
Accounts. Chem. Res. (Review), 49(6), 1211-1222 (2016). link
40. J. W. Kim, J. Cho, J. Cho, B. J. Park*, Y.-J. Kim, K.-H. Cho, and J. W. Kim*, "Synthesis of monodisperse bicompartmentalized amphiphilic Janus microparticles for tailored assembly at oil-water interface"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55, 4509-4513 (2016). link
39. S.-M. Kang, C.-H. Choi, J. Kim, S.-J. Yeom, D. Lee, B. J. Park, and C.-S. Lee, "Capillarity-induced directed self-assembly of patchy hexagram particles at the air-water interface"
Soft Matter, 12, 5847 (2016). link
38. D.-H. Park, W. Jeong, M. Seo, B. J. Park*, and J.-M. Kim*, "Inkjet-printable amphiphilic polydiacetylene precursor for hydrochromic imaging on paper"
Adv. Funct. Mater., 26, 498-506 (2016). link
37. M. Lee, M. Xia, and B. J. Park*, "Transition behaviors of configurations of colloidal particles at a curved oil-water interface"
Materials, 9(3), 138 (2016). link
36. M. Pyo, J. Lee, W. Baek, C. W. Lee, B. J. Park*, and J.-M. Kim*, "Sweat pore mapping using hydrophilic polymer films"
J. Nanosci. Nanotechno., 16, 12263-12267 (2016). link
35. B. J. Park*, M. Lee, B. Lee, and E. M. Furst, "Lateral capillary interactions between colloids beneath an oil-water interface that are driven by out-of-plane electrostatic double-layer interactions"
Soft Matter, 11, 8701-8706 (2015). link
34. M. Lee and B. J. Park*, "Heterogeneity of single-colloid self-potentials at an oil-water interface"
Soft Matter, 11, 8812-8817 (2015). link
33. B. J. Park* and D. Lee*, "Dynamically tuning particle interactions and assemblies at soft interfaces: Reversible order-disorder transitions in two-dimensional particle monolayers"
Small, 11 (35), 4560-4567 (2015). link
32. M. Lee, E. Y. Lee, D. Lee*, and B. J. Park*, "Stabilization and fabrication of microbubbles: applications for medical purposes and functional materials"
Soft Matter (Review), 11, 2067-2079 (2015). link
31. M. Pyo, J. Lee, W. Baek, C. W. Lee, B. J. Park*, and J.-M. Kim*, "Sweat pore mapping using a fluorescein-polymer composite film for fingerprint analysis"
Chem. Commun., 51, 3177-3180 (2015). link
30. M. Lee, D. Lee, and B. J. Park*, "Effect of interaction heterogeneity on colloidal arrangements at a curved oil-water interface"
Soft Matter, 11, 318-323 (2015). link
29. S.-M. Kang, A. Kumar, C.-H. Choi, K. E. Tettey, C.-S. Lee*, D. Lee*, and B. J. Park*, "Triblock cylinders at fluid-fluid interfaces"
Langmuir, 30, 13199-13204 (2014). link
28. B. J. Park* and D. Lee*, "Particles at fluid/fluid interfaces: From single particle behaviors to hierarchical assembly of materials"
MRS Bulletin (Review), 39, 1089-1098 (2014). link
27. B. J. Park*, B. Lee, and T. Yu*, "Pairwise interactions of colloids in two-dimensional geometric confinements"
Soft Matter, 10, 9675-9680 (2014). link
26. B. J. Park* and E. M. Furst, "Effects of coating on the optical trapping efficiency of microspheres via geometrical optics approximation"
Langmuir, 30, 11055-11061 (2014). link
25. Y. Choi, B. Brugarolas, S.-M. Kang, B. J. Park, B.-S. Kim, C.-S. Lee, and D. Lee, "Beauty of lotus is more than skin deep: Highly buoyant superhydrophobic films"
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6, 7009-7013 (2014). link
24. J. Lee, M. Pyo, S.-H. Lee, J. Kim, M. Ra, W.-Y. Kim, B. J. Park, C. W. Lee, and J. -M. Kim, "Hydrochromic conjugated polymers for human sweat pores mapping"
Nat. Commun., 5, 3736 (2014). link
- Highlighted in Nature, "Sweat-pore fingerprint", Nature, 509, 136 (2014). link
- Highlighted in Discover magazine, "Fingerprinting using sweat pores could solve decade-old crimes". link
- Highlighted in Chemistry World, "Fingertip sweat pore maps to catch criminals". link
- Broadcast in TV Chosun and YTN
23. S.-M. Kang, S. Hwang, S.-H. Jin, C.-H. Choi, J. Kim, B. J. Park, D. Lee, and C. -S. Lee, "A rapid one-step fabrication of patternable superhydrophobic surfaces driven by marangoni instability"
Langmuir, 30, 2828-2834 (2014). link
22. F. Tu, B. J. Park, and D. Lee, "Thermodynamically stable emulsions using Janus dumbbells as colloid surfactants"
Langmuir, 29, 12679-12687 (2013). link
21. B. J. Park* and E. M. Furst, "Optical trapping forces depending on size of dielectric polystyrene microspheres"
Macromol. Res., 21, 1167 (2013). link
20. B. J. Park and D. Lee, “Spontaneous particle transport through a three-fluid phase boundary”
Langmuir, 29, 9662 (2013). link
19. A. Kumar, B. J. Park, F. Tu, and D. Lee, “Amphiphilic Janus particles at fluid interfaces”
Soft Matter (Review), 9, 6604 (2013). link
- Listed as one of the 2013's most accessed Soft Matter articles. link
- Listed as one of Top 10 most-read Soft Matter articles - Q1 2014. link
18. B. J. Park, C.-H. Choi, S.-M. Kang, K. E. Tettey, C.-S. Lee, and D. Lee, “Double hydrophilic Janus cylinders at an air-water interface”
Langmuir, 29, 1841 (2013). link
17. B. J. Park, C.-H. Choi, S.-M. Kang, K. E. Tettey, C.-S. Lee, and D. Lee, “Geometrically and chemically anisotropic particles at an oil-water interface”
Soft Matter, 9, 3383 (2013). link
[Before 2013]
16. B. J. Park and D. Lee, “Configuration of nonspherical amphiphilic particles at a fluid-fluid interface”
Soft Matter, 8, 7690 (2012). link
15. B. J. Park and D. Lee, “Equilibrium orientation of nonspherical Janus particles at fluid-fluid interfaces”
ACS Nano, 6, 782 (2012). link
14. T. Brugarolas, B. J. Park, Myung Han Lee, and D. Lee, “Generation of amphiphilic Janus bubbles and their behavior at an air-water interface”
Adv. Funct. Mater. 21, 3924 (2011). link
13. B. J. Park, T. Brugarolas, and D. Lee, “Janus particles at an oil-water interface”
Soft Matter, 7, 6413 (2011). link
- One of the top ten most-read articles in June and July 2011.
12. B. J. Park and E. M. Furst, “Micromechanics of colloidal aggregates at the oil-water interface”
Soft Matter, 7, 7683 (2011). link
11. B. J. Park and E. M. Furst, “Attractive interactions between colloids at the oil-water interface”
Soft Matter, 7, 7676 (2011). link
10. B. J. Park, J. Vermant, and E. M. Furst, “Heterogeneity of the electrostatic repulsion between colloids at the oil-water interface”
Soft Matter, 6, 5327 (2010), link
- Listed as a hot article - 21 Sep. 2010. link
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9. K. Masschaele, B. J. Park, J. Fransaer, E. M. Furst, and J. Vermant, “Finite ion-size effects in the interaction between charged latex particles at an oil-water interface”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 048303 (2010). link
8. B. J. Park and E. M. Furst, “Fabrication of unusual asymmetric colloids at an oil-water interface”
Langmuir, 26, 10406 (2010). link
7. B. J. Park and E. M. Furst, “Fluid interface templating of two-dimensional colloidal crystals”
Soft Matter, 6, 485 (2010). link
6. B. J. Park and E. M. Furst, “Optical trapping forces for colloids at the oil-water interface”
Langmuir, 24, 13383 (2008). link
5. B. J. Park, J. P. Pantina, E. M. Furst, M. Oettel, S. Reynaert, and J. Vermant, “Direct measurements of the effects of salt and surfactant on interaction forces between colloidal particles at water-oil interfaces”
Langmuir, 24, 1686 (2008). link
4. J. -M. Kim, B. J. Park, E. -J. Chang, S. C. Yi, D. H. Suh, and D. J. Ahn, “The solid-phase synthesis of amino acid-derived diacetylene lipids”, Macromol. Res. 13, 253 (2005). link
3. Y. -G. Son, C. H. Lee, J. -S. Seo, B. J. Park, and J. -M. Kim, “A colorimetric and fluorometric chemosensor based on quinizarin-metal complexes for alkaline phosphatase activity”
Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 26, 1499-1500 (2005). link
2. S. -J. Min, B. J. Park, and J.-M. Kim, "Patterned fluorescence images with a t-Boc-protected coumarin"
Macromol. Res., 12, 615-617 (2004). link
1. J.-M. Kim, S.-J. Min, B. J. Park, J.-H. Lee, and K.-D. Ahn, "Transient protection of intramolecular hydrogen bonding: A simple but elegant approach for functional imaging"
Macromol. Res., 12, 493-500 (2004). link